Sunday, October 31, 2010
sometimes you just miss them for no reason.
oh i miss them i miss them , i really do :( how i hope school wont end so quickly. going japan tmr!!!! tmr leh!!! so fast~ hope i could make all my worries go away when im having fun :/ wont be blogging for like 6-7 days? sad uh. blog will be dead for awhile. :( there's nothing to do today and tmr. i could just feel excited and happy until tmr night!! than i wont be bored anymore^^ im really really excited man!!!. haiz so dats all. nothing exciting to blog... BonVoyage to me!!! kekekekes ;)
Friday, October 29, 2010
holiday SUCKZ
its holiday and i still have to go back to school for cca. WTF NOT FAIR. :/ was late for half hour cuz i forgot the time that cca starts. -.- so suai...haiyo. holidays are real boring. shitzcxczcxcz. I WANNA GO JAPAN NOW!! still have to decide on which course to choose. haiyo, so many things to do. i tot holidays are supposed to be relaxing. TSk. meredith came to my house today for some reason and...we did what we can. there's nothing good to blog nowadays. really sibei boring.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
last and final day in 2n3..i'll miss everyone :(
last day of school was very emotional..:( first half of the day we had this enrichment thingy and it was si bei boring. last day of school is this boring? haiz. school really donno how to organise activities. -.- second half of the day was overall results giving and report books. teacher announce that im going express and i tot i was going to cry. i held my tears. than she said i was top in class. surprise surprise....but i still held back my tears. until teacher showed us a video she made and everyone started to get emotional. at the end of the video, i wanted to cry but still haven. meredith was starting to get a little quiet and i tot she was just sad. when she started crying, so did everyone. when i tot of me going express and not being with my frens, the tears just came out. i cried real hard , jolene wanted to tell me that how much she was going to miss me but when she saw me crying, she tot better not. luckily she didnt. laughs* im definitely going to miss everyone. the times we had and the times we spent tgt...the ones i love too..and my dearest cliques..:(
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
what should i do???
no school today so went to bugis with meredith. tot this day would be great but it turn out to be the worse ever.everything turn out to be fine before my dad told me that mdm yang says i can go express. at first i tot he was kidding. i mean me?? are you sure? i totally did badly for my EOY. how the hell can i go? but i turn out to be true -.- sucks man. i really donno what to do. dad and mdm yang ask me if i wan anot. but i donno .i mean , that was the dream i had for 2 years. but before exams, i gave up on that dream. didnt expect i would go. wtf. when he told me i felt like crying. i dont wanna leave my frens , i dont wanna leave NA. that i've been with for 2 years. and most of all, i cant bear to leave my frens. i dont want a new class , a new fren and new everything. i would be like an alien to the express ppl. like very extra. HAIYO!!!! i really dont noe what to do. but bopian , the decision has been made liao. cant change. or maybe i can? and that would be very dumb. SIGHS.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
results , level games , cca
gotttt back the overall results today and found out that my maths was so lousy!! haiyo..liddat how go 3n1?? die luh. than we had level games. didnt play so be spectators for captain's ball. hahaz. soso nia. not very boring oso. my class made it to the finals but lost to 2E1 in the end :/ but doesnt matter . very good liao. 2E1 all so tall de. obviously they will win. after school still got cca. WTF. cannot let us rest meh??? going holiday liao. tsk. and holiday oso got cca. 15 practices all tgt somemore!! knn jb sial.cannot let us have a good holiday de leh..must spoil it for wut! haiz. worse still hor , teacher says that we must go for every practice, 1 oso cannot skip. unless we are sick and go hospital. WALAO!! liddat i hope i will go hospital lorh!!!! hahaz. than the dates clashes with the days i going japan :( fuck lah. i dont care i wanna go!! PUI.
Monday, October 25, 2010
most boring day in the history!!
post exams activities starts today and i tot it'll be FUN. but, it was so god damn BORING. -.- argh! really boring leh. i was going to fall a sleep sial. we just had morning assembly , recess , history "movie" , than we supposed to have class games but it was raining -.- argh! knn lah. so we ended in class watching ( pay it forward ) and it was HORRIBLE , dead boring. everyone fall a sleep. and yet our vice principle made it look so interesting. bullshit lahzcxczcxczx. this is the far most boring day EVER!!! just cant wait for school to end today. if i knew this would happen earlier, i would not come to school. haiz. dont noe what will happen tmr. hope its not boring~ after school, meredith and me went to buy bubble tea than she came over to my house^^ IT WAS FUN^^
Saturday, October 23, 2010

superrrrrrr boring day as usual~ my brother went to my aunt's house , mum dad and younger sister went malaysia. so left only me and my maid at home T.T im bored to death!!!!!! wanna go out but donno wanna go where :(..haiz. stayed at home and watch a few videos recommended my meredith. they are funny though, but 1 whole day , i see all finish ler..dont noe what to do after. haiz. and whats more, SNSD IS HERE IN S'PORE TODAY!!!!!!! woots!! so happy~ i LOVE them!! ;) wanted to stalk them but no one pei me go. cuz meredith go with her friend so dont wanna trouble her. i hope she gets their pictures! kekekeke! nothing much bout today so..thats all! :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
argh shitzxczcxczcx
oh hell. did badly for maths. i deprove ALOT. and it was unexpected. wanted to take express math next year but dont think i could anymore. fuck my maths. argh! so god damn frustrated!! looks like my 1st place is gonna fly away sooner or later~ replaced by that bitch. ah watever~ i dont care anymore. let her be and i can continue with my life.i should have study harder. Anyways, after school meredith came to my house and we had loads of fun! went totally crazy~ aish. hahaz. tot this is going to be a boring day but, it was fun^^
Thursday, October 21, 2010
past is the past.
got back the rest of results today. (some of it) and found out that i actually passed my chinese!!! yeepee! happy luh~ but as predicted..i wont do very well. 54/100. but..pass can liao luh! hahaz. and surprisingly, mmy chinese compo is 33/50 ! can you believe it? i dont..this is not i write de lorh. how can my compo suddenly be so good? ze lin onli 37 leh. and im 33? not possible. but my name's on that paper, my handwriting's on that paper so its confirm mine. but after 8 years of education my compo has nvr been so good lorh. i was really really surprised. maybe that teacher gave wrong mark? hahaz who noes? seriously speaking, i dont think i could get 1st anymore..i've done badly for my EOY and i dont deserve the 1st position. i've got the feeling that anicea would get it. dont noe why. but i've gave up alr. it would really really be a miracle if i get 1st. i would be very surprised.well, whats done is done. i cant rewind back to the past anymore.lets just let fate tell me which paths i'll be taking in the future. and its really hard to choose our choices for next year. took so long to choice. haiyo! anyways, the good thing is...IM GOING JAPAN!!!! during the november holidays. superrrrr excited~ ^.^ cant wait. didnt think this day would come hahaz. and i'll miss everyone :'( sobs. hahaz
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
results are "wow"
Got back some of my results today and im speechless ( in a bad way) dont noe what to say lorh..i expected more from myself and..hiaz. but overall is okay. tsk. didnt want okay , wanted a WOW! but sadly..none has made me say that WOW.
compo - 16/30
literature - 36/50
biology - 26/40
maths p1 - 38/50
All of them very " good " hor...tsk. alamak lah. haiz. especially my maths. i really hope i dont fail p2 if not sure die one :/ is this retribution for not studying hard enuf? if it is..than i think i deserve it. wondering why we didnt have post exams activities lorh. last year got so many..and i think if this year have than onli 2 days nia. no fun~ :( haiz. and i donno which class i should go to next year! haiyo..headache arh! argh!
Monday, October 18, 2010
18 October 2010:
I should be posting this ytd but was very very exhausted when i came back from ZOO!!!! <3 i love! superrrrrrr fun sia! hehezcxczxcxz. we were supposed to meet at 11.30 but as usual, someone would be late. and i was rite. jordan was super super late. i think he came around 1+ - 2. siao sia. but we still decided to go^^ and it was a great decision. cuz we were thinking whether if we still wanna go anot. i was so excited! very long nvr go zoo alr. kekeke. we walk n walk n even took the tram. i think we went around in circles. hahaz. there was one place that was the most fun one^^ the Fragile Forest. with all the butterflies and birds. but superrr scary. me and tiffany kept screaming. omg. it was fun fun fun! and a hot day. we wanted to go to KFC. and we walk n took the tram n went around the whole zoo just to find the KFC. so hard to find~ haha. rest awhile in KFC than went home at 6. cuz thats when the zoo closes :). i LOVE hanging out with tong nation!!!! yay! hahaz. next time snow city ya! look forward to it~
19 October 2010: went out with meredith jolene kee tiffany & shermin. it was...a little fun. hahaz. but its good to go out with cliques^^ brought a few stuffs and jolene tan came a while later. we walked around Bugis street & junction, than wanted to go to illuma last floor take photos but was chased out cuz of that stupid security guard. idiot siah! tell us cannot sit there and yet normally alot of ppl will be sitting there. tsk. than when we argue back at him than he said that they chased everyone out ler..wanna take pic oso cannot cuz he keep following us everywhere~ him and his nonsense lah. fcuking guard. pui. ate YAMI YOGURT and was superrrr yummy^^ so decided to head back to tamp 1 roof top so can take pics^^ luckily no security guard there. if not i slap their face arh! hahaz. overall it was fun too. oh yah! and tmr getting back excited & nervous at same time :/
19 October 2010: went out with meredith jolene kee tiffany & shermin. it was...a little fun. hahaz. but its good to go out with cliques^^ brought a few stuffs and jolene tan came a while later. we walked around Bugis street & junction, than wanted to go to illuma last floor take photos but was chased out cuz of that stupid security guard. idiot siah! tell us cannot sit there and yet normally alot of ppl will be sitting there. tsk. than when we argue back at him than he said that they chased everyone out ler..wanna take pic oso cannot cuz he keep following us everywhere~ him and his nonsense lah. fcuking guard. pui. ate YAMI YOGURT and was superrrr yummy^^ so decided to head back to tamp 1 roof top so can take pics^^ luckily no security guard there. if not i slap their face arh! hahaz. overall it was fun too. oh yah! and tmr getting back excited & nervous at same time :/
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