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Grape rock, Lime rock, passion fruit rock^^ shit! why izit not straight! :( |
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
people always say:
" An apple a day, keeps the doctor away"
But for me, i'd say:
Bloody hell
Hey my blog is dead!! HAHAHAHA WEEEE! super sorry for not udating. yeah im busy and part of it is becuz im kinda lazy to turn on the computer and update. face book,blog, twitter, everything has been SERIOUSLY neglected. HAHAHA. find it kinda stressful to catch up with the express and i cried after school on THAT day. which i wouldnt want to elaborate. dont know why i cried but....erm, its really saddening to know that you are not doing well enough to BE in express. ppl tend to have high hopes of doing well when the "upgraded" onto a new and higher level. thats whats happening to me right now. you can just jolly well say that, i've been falling almost EVERY test. WOW. totally not what i've been expecting. i cant catch up. i've been staying back EVERYDAY for studies and going back home to STUDY AGAIN. i've studied twice as hard as everyone and stayed up till 1 am at night just to study for a stupid test -.- dumb right?? bloody hell.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Get a LIFE. I've had enough. Why do you ALWAYS have to spoil everyone's mood?!?!? Even in the happiest moments, you are still not satisfied. SOMETHING always have to happen when you are around. YOU EVEN SPOIL THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE. stop giving me the black face will ya? I HATE IT. IM GONNA LEAVE YOU ALONE. IM NOT CARING A SINGLE SHIT ANYMORE. its not my fault. why do i have to let in?? YOU tell me.
ENOUGH is ENOUGH. i didnt ask about you doesnt mean i dont care. i do care. i really do. but you are always making things difficult for me, time and time again! i didnt want to say this but, " WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?!!?" you said you'll change...you said it yourself. Apparently, you didnt.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
CHARMAINE TAN AHHH!!!!! YOU MADE ME HYPER AGAIN YESTERDAY!!!! we where really REALLY CRAZY ytd! cuz of that charmaine tan!!! made me laugh with her stupid funny faces!! AHAHAH! you cant believe what i've been through. HAHAHA its a torture looking at charmaine's face sia!! know why? cuz she keeps making me laugh!!! i was SOO SOOO hyper before our performance that, when we were about to perform, i started to feel really REALLY zone out. i was lifeless at that time and i felt tired all along. i HAVE to SLEEP. i think i had not enough sleep and was too hyper before thats why im like this now. the dark circles under my eyes are starting to form up and its getting pretty obvious. everyone was like " KAILI!!! what happen to you?!?!?" or " wah!! your dark circles are so obvious leh!!!" than i was like " huh huh?!?!?! got meh?? got meh?? sure bo??" the next moment, before i knew it, i almost fall asleep while standing!! i cant stand up straight and was really really tired. everyone tired to do things to keep me awake as, if i continue being like this, i wont be able to dance properly and might fall.
They tried their best and when it was time to perform, i was like.....trying to stand up and as usual, i almost fell down again. i HAVE to dance properly cuz there are Ministers around watching our performance. SEE HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS!!! im not exaggerating bout my tiredness. its all true. in the end, we dance and sing along while we celebrated chinese new year at chinatown. ( well, not really chinese new year yet, but soon) HAHA. Best experience ever!! they say we are going up on TV but apparently its wasnt true at all. SIGH. there was even a superstar as a HOST!!! for this event!!! i think his name is "Li cheng" ??? or smth liddat. i heard it from my friends. or MAYBE i got his name ALL WRONG. OPPPS!!! HAHA.
( didnt took alot of pics ya, cuz we were busy hyper-ing. HEHE)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Awesome Shits.
Its a very very AWESOME day ytd, we had fun (laughing) LOL Nevertheless i ALSO manage to hyped up and go crazy! HEHEHE. laughed ALOT becuz of 1 tupid girl called CHARMAINE TAN! hahahaha! she mimicked the actor "Dalang" the show where luo zhi xiang and Raine yang acted in?? ( i think so) HAHA. SUPER FUNNY CANN. and superrr unglam lah. wan see wan see? HAHAHAHA. i am going to take a picture of her mimicking "Dalang" as we are going to have our chinatown performance later today. CHARMAINE TAN AHH! YOU MADE LAUGH LIKE SHIT CUZ OF YOUR SUPA FUNNY & UNGLAM FACE X10000!! HAHAHAHAHA! ya well, BEFORE i went superrr hyped up, i met up with Gwendolynn to buy makeup and have our dinner at SUBWAY. awesome shits! pictures are with her so, pardon my blog if it gets too wordy ya! IM SO SO SO EGGCITED FOR THE PERFORMANCE! CONFIRM will get hyped up de!
which is better??
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Thursday, January 13, 2011
Etude Houseee!
went to buy makeup for chinese dance ytd after school, with Gwendolynn. i had fun ya! we bought KOI!!!! yay! haha. From Etude house to SaSa to Skin Food and many many more. teacher was SUPPOSED to give us $200. BUT we ended up with $150 ._. wth. totally not enough cann. From etude house to sasa to skin food and many more. what would you say if i told you we went to toyrus to play? huh? CHILDISH RIGHT?!?!?! HAHA yeah i know. but its fun cannn. going with gwendolynn again this friday after school and cca, having dinner with her and than, going for the chinatown rehearsal till 11 at NIGHT. thats so GREAT right??? -.- watever~ its going to be a long LONG day tmr. confirm sho tired de lorh.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
HAII !!!
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this is the scholarship from the previous post, sorry that its posted like that. i'll make it straight :/ |
Saturday, January 8, 2011
HOW? how how??
GOT MY EDUSAVE SCHOLARSHIP YTD!!!! hahaz. after dance ya. and imma ish going for the chinatown dance rehearsal today!!!! the 9th of january!!!! WEEEEEEE!!!! hahas sho happy/eggcited lah. cuz its felt like going to CHINGAY! and i miss chingay alot :'( sobs. sho fun. I WANNA GO AGAIN!!! haii. learning A math and Emath is HARD WORK!!! sometimes i get fed up with the homeworks when i dont know how to do it. like NOW!!! haish! starting ish ALWAYS hard. i know i'll get a hang of it soon. but now is really...really...omg hard lah! i need tuition!!! i need someone to teach me!!!! i need ALOT of encouragement!!! I NEED TO WORKHARD!!! AHHHH! its sho tough, sometimes i just felt like giving up and drop back to NA. i know i cant do that. so how? how how? i need ALOT of guidance. can someone just understand how i feel? i am not joking. its really starting to get stressful. i dont know what to do.....
Friday, January 7, 2011
Not fair.
school was fun todaayyy!!!!! surprisingly!! HEHE. what made me frustrated most was the cca fair. apart from not many ppl joining chinese dance and up till now, we only had 8 persons. pathetic right???!?!?! other ccas has like..20+ PEOPLE!! wtf. haii, as expected lah. THEY told us that we were going to perform. and i had alrd prepared EVERYTHING! i even rushed back home after school to get the dance pants. than they say we are not performing anymore. -.- make ppl pekcek only lorh..walao. imagine you brought everything and your bag was SHO HEAVY. THAN they say nvr perform. =.= bastard. haii. stayed in school till 6, was tired but FUNNN. ^^v Andandand, we still have to go back to school on saturday ( which is tmr) and sunday for dance practice. sunday we'll going to chinatown for rehearsal. TILL NIGHT. LOL. wahpiang. no rest one lah.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
OMG OMG OMG!!!!! AHHHHHHHH. we have 4 PERIODS of maths today!!!!! EMath and AMath together somemore!!! wth!! i studied A math till i felt like crying man!!! and E math. wanted to DIE. omg..haiyo. head explode alrd!!! andandand, we ended school today at 3.55!!!! ON A THURSDAY!!!!! WTFZCXCZCZ! no fair lorh! study study study. study till i wanted to sleep. last second period was history and i almost slept in class. lucky i reminded myself that i was no longer in NA and i cant sleep in class anymore. HAIII. sad life. history is BORING. and the same goes to geography. Mr Vaahid's lesson was also boring. makes no difference. LOL. so yeah, imma going to die every thursday. :( and tmr stilll got A math. haiiii. stay back tmr till 7plus for performance for cca fair too. siannnn.
Guessed im really busy with studies nowadays..homework homework homework. aiyoyo. bopian. express mah. tsk~ yah so, went to tamp 1 after school with meredith to buy jialin's bday present at more than words. than, went to times bookshop to buy my file. was paying at the counter and i saw STICKY!!!!!! OMG. immediately bought it^^ we went to back to school and surprised jialin with the present. she wasnt really expecting it. HAHAZ. and, she said OMG alot of times. jialin, hope you are TOUCHED. AHAHAHAHA.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
First day.
THE usual boring day. yeah i know its first day of school ( sho what LOL ) anw, imma is not going to rot my blog with stuffs about "first day of school bla bla bla..." SHO COMMON. and readers, you'd probably heard it a MILLION times right? right right? duh~ so yeah. nothing new, just a change of principle ( WHICH i'd liked the previous one better) SIGHS lahhh. andandand, just REALIZED that school ends at around 3+ on some days for the sec 3s. WTF sial!!! sho unfair :'( think its because of our studies ._. and, i also just realized that iam taking TRIPLE MATH! T.R.I.P.L.E MATH YOU KNOW!!! SIANN! double siann!! haiii. haiii. haiii. sigh too much today :/ haha. its kinda hard having to try and hang out with two different group of friends at the same time. one in express and the other at NA. but whatever! i am NEVER EVER going to leave my cliques...even if the are in NA. i WAS one of them too yknow. i'll try...i'll try really hard. and i think i'll succeed. HEHE. three cheers! :D
Monday, January 3, 2011
Last day of holiday
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Kinda realized my hair ish a lil reddish-brown. uh? mum has a lil red hair. nowonder ._. |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Changed of plans.
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Didnt took much, sowie again. |
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Sho blurr. :( sowie!! |
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