Sunday, December 26, 2010

This christmas

Another side of their "living room" WITH A BALCONY!! OMG right? haiiz
thats the small lil "living room" where they play.
Second level of the house. to their bedrooms and a small little "living room"
THIS is MY favorite part of the house. see the chairs? thats where they have bbq and dinner if they want to swim again. thats why there's tables too. and the swimming pool is only 1/3 of the entire pool!! imma promise to take a pic of the ENTIRE pool.
See that door at the left? thats the door to the other dinning room which is OUTSIDE with no aircon
thats their dinning room( and its only ONE part of it) there's the OUTSIDE one too, near the pool.
this is the guest room, specially made for the GUESTS ONLY.
thats just ONE part of their living room.
Their Christmas tree.
Imma's baby cousin! ( same age as my sister!)
These were most of the poppers we used.
Aunt made candy floss! homeemade! and i saw it! HEHE. they had the machine( a mini one)

HEY YO! yeah im back to my blogg. imma spend my christmas at my uncle's house. and yeah, its the australian one. took some pics of the house this time! shall post it up other day. -LAZY- HEHE. you can just say i had "fun" yeah well, it IS a little fun. HAHA. dont know why this christmas is sho BORING. sighs. and i had a bad headache yesterday which added  to the BOREDNESS. oh great =.=  we kinda did alot of things at their house. andd there's even food fight. ( well, not me) we pranked my australian uncle with party poppers and resulted in him, throwing his son into the pool. HAHA. craziness~

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